Welcome to Badgerholt!

Badgerholt inkpot

Badgerholt is a site dedicated to pursuing the knowledge of God ((daøath @élöhîm) by focusing on YHWH @Élöhîm (LORD God) as a Creative Artist in pursuing the truth of His Story and appreciating the beauty of His artistry as an expression of who He is.


YHWH is the name of the Most High God, the Creator of heaven and earth.  He is the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, the only omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present God who exists, the @Élöhîm (God) of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.   He has revealed Himself in tri-unity: I AM, His Word, and His Spirit.

potters wheelAlthough there are many claimants to the position of “God,” YHWH  is the only God who is really there.  He is the Creator, the Holy One, the King, the Kinsman-Redeemer, and the Judge.  He loves His creatures, the creative work of His hands, with a love that is beyond man’s comprehension.


YHWH is also the Storyteller.

The Story that YHWH is telling is the one currently playing out on the stage of the earth in the theater of stage curtain the universe: this is the Story in which we live.  Although He recorded the specific Story of the Line of the Promise and the Gentile Addition in His written Word, the Bible, His Story is actually far broader than that.  But, in looking at the written Story of the Line of the Promise, it has its own internal chronology, irrespective of the outside chronology of His Story.


As for me, my name is Dori, and I am a scholar/artist in service to YHWH @Élöhîm (LORD God).

Here I post what YHWH @Élöhîm has taught me about His Story, His through line, and who He is, to the praise of His holy Name.  I invite you to read my writings in the hopes that what you read will enhance your worship of the Most High God, YHWH @Élöhîm, Maker of heaven and earth, who is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.

May the grace and peace of the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


“I will remember the deeds of Yäh ~      
   Surely I will meditate on Your wonders of old #
and I will ponder on all Your historical acts ~
   and on Your deeds I will muse #
@Élöhîm, in the holiness [is] Your way ~  
   who [is] a great @ël like @Élöhîm? #
You, the @Ël who does wonders ~    
   You make known among the people Your strength #
You redeemed with strength Your people ~  
   the sons of Jacob and Joseph  Seläh ” #

         Psalms 77.12-15  (my literal translation)