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Building the Internal Chronology of the Bible

Genesis 05 Generations Life Year Chart Summarized

Compiled by D.M. Doede

Chart 01: Genesis 05 Generations
0000T0000 Gen05AW001S01-01-01Beginning of the Story Count6006 yr Sab Week Count: Day 01
GY Cal Month 01: @Aryëh the LionJubilee 01-Week 01-Year 01)
Story Count of years; Year 0000 is the year that the Story Count begins. It runs uninterrupted as an overall count of years.
0001T0001 Gen05T000 AdamG001S01-01-02The Creation of Man
YHWH @Élöhîm fashions a man (@ädhäm) in His likeness2.7
Gen 01: Adam (930y) [of the ground, man; red]Beginning of the 6000 yr Gen Count5.1-2a
AG1/QG1: Man LB: Man, in the image of God,G01:Luke: @ädhäm/Adàm/Adam
YHWH @Élöhîm places hä@ädhäm in the garden of Eden to work and take care of the ground (hä@ädhämäh)2.15
YHWH @Élöhîm gives hä@ädhäm a choice: obedience or disobedience, life or death2.16-17
YHWH @Élöhîm makes a decision about hä@ädhäm: he needs a helper of his own kind2.18
YHWH @Élöhîm sets hä@ädhäm a task, naming the animals2.19
hä@ädhäm names the animals but does not find a helper corresponding to him2.20
Spring?YHWH @Élöhîm makes a helper for hä@ädhäm2.21-22
hä@ädhäm names his helper '@îshshäh' because she was taken from '@îsh'2.23
hä@ädhäm & his @îshshäh live and work in the Garden of EdenDeduc
130 YEARS UNTIL THE NEXT DATABLE EVENT; several undatable events occurred during this time period
How hä@ädhäm and his @îshshäh brought themselves to open shame
hannächäsh (the dragon-serpent, shining one) sets up the woman by raising doubt about what YHWH really said 3.1-5
The woman is deceived and eats the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, despite YHWH's prohibition3.6
hä@ädhäm knowingly joins his wife in her disobedience3.6
Understanding they are naked, they make loin cloth coverings for themselves3.7
YHWH confronts the disobedient pair: the woman blames hannächäsh, Adam blames the woman, and, by extension, YHWH3.8-9
YHWH renders judgment on hannächäsh: he is banned from being a quadruped3.10-15
First hint of the Promise that one day someone would come to restore the relationship broken at the tree3.15
YHWH renders judgment on the woman: greater pain in childbirth, strong desire for lost intimacy with husband, hierarchy rather than mutuality in their relationship3.16
YHWH renders judgment on the man: land fertility banned, hard work now required to raise food, man will return to dust3.17-19
The man names his wife 'Chawwah'
YHWH exiles Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden to remove their access to the tree of life for their protection3.21-25
A Tale of Twin Brothers
Cain and Abel (twins) born to Adam and Eve4.1-2a
QG2: created [acquired] Cain [qayihn <>qanâh (acquired)] Hëvël [vapor, breath (wind), vanity]
Cain grows up to be a farmer; Abel grows up to be a shepherd4.2b
YHWH accepts Abel's offering from the flock but not Cain's offering from the field, which makes Cain angry4.2b
YHWH warns Cain he is in danger and must master his sin4.6-7
Cain kills Abel when they are in the field (likely manslaughter, not pre-meditated murder)4.8
YHWH confronts Cain and renders a judgment of wandering and loss of land's fertility4.9-12
Cain bemoans his vulnerability to being killed; YHWH provides a 'mark' for protection4.13-16
Enoch born to Cain QG3: a teacher4.17a
(tuition, teachers, dedicated, initiated), or, word play [chánàkh: <> chánan (be gracious, pity, favor, grace)]
0131T0131 Gen05T131 AdamS03-05-06Seth born to Adam at 130yoLXX and Jos 230y4.25
Gen 02: Seth (912yo)[shëth <> shäth [put, set, compensation]
AG2: received a substitute LB: substituted by G02: Luke: Shëth/Sàyth/Seth
105 YEARS (15 SABWEEKS) TILL NEXT DATABLE EVENT; two undatable events likely occurred during this time period
Cain builds a city, naming it after his son Enoch4.17b
Irad born to Enoch Cain's lineQG4: a lawless one4.18
(wild or free ass) or word play [þîr (city) + rädhä (ruler) = city-ruler]
0230T0230 Gen05T099 SethJewish Calendar count begins
0236T0236 Gen05T235 AdamS05-06-06Enosh born to Seth at 105yo LXX and Jos 205y5.6
T105 SethGen 03: Enosh (905 yo)[mortal; incurably sick]4.26
AG3: for his mortality; LB: mortal man G03: Luke: @Énõsh/Enòs/Enosh (Enos)
90 YEARS TILL NEXT DATABLE EVENT; two undatable events likely occurred during this time period
Mehujael born to Irad (Cain's line)4.18
[God is combatting; smitten by God; who had proclaimed; determined folly]
QG5: who is under God's wrath (fighting against God)
Men begin to call on the name of YHWH after the birth of Enosh4.26
0326T0326 Gen05T325 AdamS07-05-05Kenan born to Enosh at 90yoLXX and Jos 190y6.9
T090 EnosGen 04: Kenan (910 yo)
[lamentation, spear] OR word play Qayin <> qahnä [gotten, acquired]
AG4: by One begotten LB: lamenting G04: Luke: Qênän/Kaînàn//Kenan
70 YEARS (10 SABWEEKS) UNTIL NEXT DATABLE EVENT; one undatable event likely occurred during this time period
Methusael born to Mehujael (Cain's line) 4.18
[champion of God; asking for death; who demands his death; man asking]
QG6: who setting himself up as god-man, seeks the death of God
0396T0396 Gen05T395 AdamS09-01-05Mahalalel born to Kenan at 70yo LXX and Jos 170y5.12
T070 KenaGen 05: Mahalalel (895 yo) [God is splendor, worthy of praise, praise God]
AG5: of God's splendor LB: The Blessed God G05: Luke: Mahálal@ël/ Maleleàyl/ Mahalalel
65 YEARS UNTIL NEXT DATABLE EVENT; one undatable event likely occurred during this time period
Lamech born to Methushael (Cain's line) (overthrower, wild man, to the humble) QG7: to overthrow4.19
0461T0461 Gen05T460 AdamS10-03-07Jared born to Mahalalel at 65yoLXX and Jos 165y5.15
T065MahalGen 06: Jared (962 yo) [descending]G06: Luke: Yäredh/ Iĉret/ Jared
AG6: who shall descend LB: shall come down
162 YEARS UNTIL NEXT DATABLE EVENT; several undatable events likely occurred during this time period
0490T0490 Gen05AW071S11-01-01GY Cal Month 02: Tsîyôn the Stronghold
The Corruption of Man Intensifies
The sons of the God (benê hä@Élöhîm) descend to earth in the days of Jared according to Jewish tradition6.1
They begin to corrupt the children of the man (benê->hä@ädhäm) by teaching them occult knowledge, advanced technology, and the weapons of warBk Jubs
Lamech (Cain's line) takes two wives: Adah and Zillah4.16
ØÄdäh (pleasure, ornament);Tsillah (protection, shade)
Jabal and Jubal born to Lamech by Adah (twins)4.20-21
Jabal (moving, stream of water): father of nomadic herdsman (tent dwellers, raising livestock)
Jubal, (stream, jubilee, music): father of musicians (lyre and pipe)
Tubal Cain and Naamah born to Lamech by Zillah (twins?)4.22
Tubal Cain (world metalworker, posessed of confusion), forger of all instruments of brass and iron
Naamah (pleasantness, beautiful), Tubal Cain's sister
QG8: by advancing (continuing) [ØÄdäh] his leading influence [Yävel] to carry along (mankind) [Yûval] in (spiritual) darkness [Tsillah] to fabricate a new world order [Tûvil Qayin] of pleasure-seekers [Naøamah
Lamech tells his wives that he has killed a man4.23-24
The sons of the God desire the daughters of the man and take wives from whomever they choose6.1-2
The offspring of the sons of the God and the daughters of the man were the Nephilim (both before and after the Flood), the mighty men of renown from antiquity
YHWH is displeased with this turn of events6.3
While His Spirit will not always strive with the man, for he is flesh, nevertheless, YHWH limits man's days to 120 years
What YHWH meant by this statement is not clear. He might have established a 120 year life span for hä@dhäm (which did not take effect until after the Flood), or, He might have set a deadline of 120 yrs until the Flood (in which case He made this statement a lot later in the Story), or both, or, He might have been referring to the Nephilim.
0623T0623 Gn05T622 AdamAW090S13-06-01Enoch born to Jared at 162yoLXX and Jos 262y5.18
T162JaredGen 07: Enoch (365 yo)(tuition, teachers, dedicated, initiated) OR
word play [chánôkh: <> chänan (be gracious, pity, favor, grace)]
AG7: as Teacher LB: teaching (in grace)G07: Luke: Chánôkh:/ Enóch/ Enoch
0688T0688 Gn05T687 AdamS15-01-03Methusaleh born to Enoch at 65 LXX and Jos 165y5.21
T065 EnochGen 08: Methusaleh (969yo) [man of the weapon, his death shall send]
AG8: and after His death, will bring an end LB: His death shall send
G08: Luke: Methûshelach/ Mathousalá/ Methusaleh
0875T0875 Gn05T874 AdamAW126S18-07-01Lamech born to Methusaleh at 187yo LXX and Jos 287yo5.25
T187 MethGen 09: Lamech (777yo) [overthrower, wild man, to be humble]
AG9: 1: overthrowing His enemies LB: to the humble
G09: Luke: Lämekh:/ Lámech/ Lamech
0931T0931 Gn05T800 SethAW134S20-01-01Adam dies at 930 years old5.4-5
0980T0980 Gn05AW141S21-01-01GY Month 03, Yachad Tâmîm the United Ones Complete
0988T0988 Gn05T857 SethS21-02-02Enoch does not die but rather @Élöhîm takes him at 365 years old5.22-24
1043T1043 Gn05T807 EnosAW150S22-03-01Seth dies at 912 years old5.7-8
1057T1057Gn05T821 EnosAW152S22-05-01Noah born to Lamech at 182 years old LXX and Jos 188y5.28
T182 LamGen 10: Noah (950yo) [nöãch <> nûãch [rest, consolation]
AGen10: 1: and giving rest LB: rest or consolationG10: Luke; Nöãch/Nõe/Noah
"this [one] will comfort us concerning our work and concerning the labor of our hands from the ground that YHWH cursed"5.29
Go to Gen11 Chart

Site Creator: Dori       This page last modified: January 19, 2021       Send correspondence to: dori@badgerholt[dot]com Legal Stuff:   Copyright 2021 by D.M. Doede. All Rights Reserved.   Permission to distribute this material via e-mail, or individual copies for personal use, is granted on the condition that it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and no changes made to the format or content.     When quoting, please keep the context and provide the source   URL:       Scriptures are cited from New American Standard Bible (NASB), English Standard Version (ESV) Young's Literal Translation (YLT), Geneva Bible, 1599 ed., Jay Green's KJ3' Literal Translation, Gary Zella's Analytical Literal Translation of the New Testament, or my own translation ( dmd).