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Patterns in His Story:

Covenant Nation Introduction

Revised 2020

by D M Doede

I distinctly recall learning in my high school AP History class that the Pilgrims/Purtians believed they had entered into a covenant with the Most High God, the God of Israel, to build a "city on a hill to shine the light of Christ to the nations" in the land to which He brought them, which was America. They saw themselves as a second Israel (but not a replacement for the first Israel). Later, in the 1990s, Rûãch @Ëlöhîm (Spirit of God)led me to Peter Marshall and David Manuel's first book on God's plan for America, The Light and the Glory. (1) While the authors started with Columbus and the Spanish, then moved on to Jamestown, it was their research into the Pilgrims/Puritans' covenant relationship with God and their conviction that the United States as a nation has inherited this covenant of our forefathers that really caught my attention.(2) I believe it was at this point that Rûãch @Ëlöhîm brought to my mind the idea of a covenant nation pattern with Israel as the first covenant nation establishing the pattern and the United States as the second covenant nation following in the pattern but with different window dressing. Consequently, I developed a chart listing the covenant nation pattern elements and how the pattern played out in the ancient Kingdom of Israel and in the present United States. As far as I have found, these are the only two nations whose history YHWH @Ëlöhîm (LORD God) wrote in the covenant nation pattern. Looking at the chart, I set out the basic pattern elements in the first column. On the surface, the specific playing out of the element (or the window dressing) in Israel and the United States set out in the two remaining columns seems unique to each sequence. However, if one steps back from the specifics and looks for categories into which both sets of specifics fall, one can discern the pattern elements. I have included a few dates, with the Kingdom of Israel dates based on the Internal Bible Chronology that Rûãch @Élöhîm has had me working on for the many years. I use the astronomical calendar (AC), which includes a year 0. Therefore, the -AC dates are one year less than the corresponding B.C. Gregorian calendar date (i.e., Josiah dies in -608 AC or 609 B.C.). I think of this chart as a word tapestry depicting two scenes from YHWH @Élöhîm's story playing out side by side (instead of separated by millennia ). Each scene has its own color set for its threads that He wove into pictures in the cloth. The color sets are distinct yet harmonious, the pictures unique yet balanced, and the thread paths down the cloth rambling yet ordered. YHWH @Élöhîm's Covenant Nation Pattern is an lovely example of YHWH @Élöhîm expressing the truth and beauty of Who He is through His artistic creativity.

TRUMP ADDENDUM With the election of Donald J. Trump as U.S. President, I revised the original chart with respect to the "Nation" category. I understand better now how to compare this section of the window dressing of the two nations. While Israel has already gone through the ":Destruction" and "Rebirth" categories a couple of times, the United States is still in the "Nation" category. I came to realize that President Trump is to the United States what King Josiah was to the nation of Israel: the Renewer of the Covenant and the Purger of Evil.(3) That probably sounds fantastic, but I think the evidence of the prophecies, the names, and the actions supports that hypothesis. Rûãch @Élöhîm gave a prophecy about a son of David named Josiah during the reign of Jeroboam I (first king of Israel) in the 10th century B.C., who would destroy the false altar at Bethel. Then, in 1983, He gave a prophecy about Donald J. Trump as the one who would bring the United States back to God. The prophecy about King Josiah (YHWH supports)(4):

And the man cried against the altar by the word of the LORD and said, "O altar, altar, thus says the LORD: 'Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name, and he shall sacrifice on you the priests of the high places who make offerings on you, and human bones shall be burned on you.'" (1 Kings 13.2, English Standard Version)

The prophecy about Donald J. Trump (ruler of the world, YHWH is gracious, drum)(5): The first quote is from a transcript I did of the YouTube video, Hermit of Loreto by Giacomo Capoverdi (1997), posted February 19, 2017 (6). Tom Zimmer was an American Catholic who lived in Loreto, Italy. He prayed constantly,attended mass daily, and was regarded as a holy man by the entire town and by all who knew him. The picture that came to my mind when I first heard about him was Anna the prophetess who spent all her time praying in the Temple (Luke 2).

Dr. Curran said then, in the 1980s, he was talking to Tom Zimmer and Tom Zimmer said to him, "Claude, there's a man right now who I believe in the future is going to lead America back to God." So, Claude said, "Who is this guy?" Tom Zimmer said, "The man was going to in the future lead our country back to God is Donald J. Trump." Dr. Curran said, "You mean the New York playboy? Like this is the guy?" Tom Zimmer said, "Believe me, I have a premonition that this is what the man was going to do it in the future."

The second quote is from John-Henry Weston"s LifeSite blog, posted June 30, 2020.(7)

I was able to track down Dr. Claude Curran, the original source of the information Fr. Capoverde shared in his video. Dr. Curran is still a practicing psychiatrist in Fall River, Massachusetts. He too is a devout Catholic with five children. Dr. Curran met Tom Zimmer while in St. Peter's Square when John Paul II was elected pope. Several years later, in 1983, Tom told Dr. Curran in St. Peter's that "Right now, in the United States, there's a man who has the hand of God on him. He has the I.Q. of a genius. And a first-class education. And everything he approaches he attacks with blinding efficiency...his name is Donald Trump." Dr. Curran informed Tom that the man he was speaking about was actually known to be a high-flying, jet-setting millioniare who dated models. "No, Claude," he said, "I'm telling you, the hand of God is on him, and God is going to use him in the future." "Claude, I am so convincd about what I'm telling you," Tom continued, "that I have bought a memorial brick for Donald J. Trump. I put his name on it, and he will now benefit from all the masses and prayers in the Vatican for as long as that brick remains in the Holy Door."

Rûãch @Élöhîm provided a second witness regarding His purpose for Donald Trump. On April 28, 2011, Mark Taylor, a retired Florida firefighter, prophesied that Donald Trump would become President of the United States.(8) I heard about Mark Taylor and his Trump prophecy several years ago. Since I initially thought that Mark Taylor was part of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) movement or possibly Kingdom Now theology, I didn't pay much attention to him. However, this year (2020) I finally read his prophecies. Upon doing so, I realized that his core prophecy was something different from NAR or Kingdom Now theology. Taylor's core prophecy is that, even as the Allies used England as a launching pad to invade Europe during World War II, God intends to use the United States as a launching pad for His end-time harvest of over one billion souls.(9) But to do that, God must first clean up the United States and bring the nation back to Himself and His path of righteousness. @Élöhîm chose Donald J. Trump as His instrument to lead the nation in that process; Donald Trump answered the call. (10) Trump was elected to the Presidency in 2016 to the complete dismay of the global deep state elite who did not think Hillary Clinton would lose the election. Despite heavy opposition from the liberal left and its mainstream media propaganda machine, including a running attempted coup, Trump has been working to return the power of the government to the people and to return the country to a path of righteousness. He has indicated in his second term campaign speeches that he intends to continue this work. Josiah (11) succeeded in removing the idolatrous places and (presumably) cleaning up the corrupt priesthood and politicians (at least temporarily). He renewed the Mosaic covenant between YHWH @Élöhîm and the children of Israel. For the thirty-one years that Josiah reigned in Jerusalem, the kingdom had peace and prosperity. But after his unfortunate death in an unnecessary battle (waged on what I suspect was bad advice from 'sleepers' in his administration), the kingdom quickly reverted to idolatry and corruption. Although it was another 20 years before Babylon destroyed the city and the Temple, Judah was a client kingdom from the death of Josiah until its end in -N586 AC. How this part of the pattern will play out in the United States remains to be seen. Go to Covenant Nation Chart

FOOTNOTES 1 Marshall, Peter and Manuel, David. The Light and the Glory. Grand Rapids: Fleming Revell. 1977, 384p. Return 2 Ibid. p.145-146, p.359 Return 3 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35 Return 4 Behind the Name website. Retrieved 10/11/2020 Return 5 Behind the Name website.,, Retrieved 10/11/2020 Return 6, retrieved 10/02/2020 Return 7 Return 8 Taylor, Mark. The Trump Prophecies, Updated and Expanded. Crane, MO: Defender Publishing. 2019, 219p. Return 9 Ibid. "America, America." p.104-105 Return 10 Ibid, p. 105. Return 11 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35 Return Return to blog post Return to Patterns Menu

Site Creator: Dori       This page last modified: October 12, 2020       Send correspondence to: dori@badgerholt[dot]com Legal Stuff:   Copyright 2020 by D.M. Doede. All Rights Reserved.   Permission to distribute this material via e-mail, or individual copies for personal use, is granted on the condition that it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and no changes made to the format or content.     When quoting, please keep the context and provide the source   URL:       Scriptures are cited from New American Standard Bible (NASB), English Standard Version (ESV) Young's Literal Translation (YLT), Geneva Bible, 1599 ed., Jay Green's KJ3' Literal Translation, Gary Zella's Analytical Literal Translation of the New Testament, or my own translation (dmd).